
If you have ever been searching for outdoor gear and been totally stymied by the sheer number of sites offering everything under the sun, you probably understand why we designed All Gear Lab. My name is Eva, and this is my brain-child.

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It started one day when I wanted to buy a tent for my family to take a weekend trip to a local campground. It was our first family camping trip, so we headed out to the local big box store and bought what we thought would be a perfect tent.

An inexpensive 4-person tent turned out to be way too small, difficult to put up, and impossible to get back into the carrying case. Oh, and three of the seams were ripped out along the floor which would have resulted in major leakage. Back to the store it went.

After that experience, I searched online for a wider variety of options. On and on through site after site after site. Reviews, customer feedback, manufacturer’s video claims of superior wind resistance. You name it, I checked them all. Talk about information overload. All I wanted was an honest review of family tents so I could pick a good one to meet our needs for one weekend without having to dip into our savings too deeply. No individual site seemed to have the information that I wanted and needed.

So I created it with All Gear Lab. 

Right after we got back from that weekend camping trip. My family loved camping so much we decided that we needed to plan more weekends. That meant we could invest in more gear. As I did research for each new item we added to our personal camping supplies I made lists of pros and cons, pricing, and customer feedback. Those original lists became our first articles here.

Now we have a staff of writers and researchers, and we try to bring you information on a wide variety of outdoor gear for hiking, camping, and backyard grilling. If it happens outside, we’ll have information about it here.

Our goal is to become the first place you stop when you need information on outdoor gear. Whether you need product reviews, information on staying hydrated while hiking, or lighting a fire without any accelerants, we want to be your go-to source.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line and we will do our best to add that to our site.